Why a Spiritan Development Charter

Why a Spiritan Development Charter?

For a long time we have been working for the integral development of every man and woman. Today, we want to refocus our action and work together with common objectives. It is a question of giving a stronger impetus and greater coherence to the dynamic of the Congregation in the area of integral development.

Development at the heart of our mission of evangelization

“We consider as a constitutive part of our mission of evangelization:

  • The integral liberation of man;
  • Action for justice and peace;
  • And participation in development.

We must, therefore, make ourselves “advocates, supporters and defenders of the weak and the small against all those who oppress them”.

(Spiritan Rule of Life No. 14).

Local Development Offices

It is the local spiritan structures that propose, plan and implement development projects in conjunction with the central office and the development support offices.

Development Support Offices

These are the offices within the congregation which, in several countries, provide the link between the project holders and the financial donors. They also deal with fundraising.

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