Construction of three classrooms

Groupe scolaire Sacré-Coeur, Paroisse de Boké, Guinée Conakry

Project Info

Project Description

The Sisters of Notre Dame du Calvaire have been working with the Spiritans for about twenty years.
“Four years ago, with the means at hand, we undertook the construction of a hut for the very young in a suburb of the region of Boké in Tamakéné.

At the end of the three sections, the children are often left to their own devices because the local primary schools are overcrowded and far from our small nursery school (5 km).

In order to contribute to their integral human formation, we are asking for your support for the construction of a permanent building with three classrooms in a disadvantaged neighbourhood so that the children, after the nursery school, can continue the primary cycle.
The contractor’s estimate for this building is 22 665 €. We can contribute up to €1,200. So we still need to find about €21,500. »

You are donating to : Spiritan International

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