

Echoes Migrants from Nouadhibou—Mauritania

For many years, a group of migrants of Nigerian, Gha-naian, Ivorian and Senegalese nationality have been living in Nouadhibou. After several unsuccessful attempts to enter Morocco and the Canary Islands illegally, they finally decided to give up illegal immi-gration from Africa to...
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Spiritan Newsletter n. 1

Two years… Yes, two years already since the Central Development Office of the Congre-gation came into being on February 2, 2019. A symbolic date for all of us Spiritans, and one that reminds us of our vocation: “We must, therefore, make ourselves”...
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Project management and fundraising training

As part of the capacity building, two confreres in charge of the local development offices in the provinces of Uganda and Congo Kinshasa and three members of the Central DSevelopment Office (CDO) in Rome, participated in a training in project management. This...
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Assistance to migrants in Nouadhibou – Mauritania

The association “Daniel Brottier” is an integral part of our Local Development Office in Nouadhibou, Mauritania. It is led by Father Florian Pachel Mbabe Mohizi, a native of Congo Brazzaville. Today, he launches a distress call to us in the same way...
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