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Development is everyone’s concern; it is not reserved for “specialists”. All over the world and on all continents, new ideas and practices are emerging that can renew our perspective on development issues.

More broadly, there are everywhere unsuspected resources, treasures of creativity that we must share, value and encourage in order to sustain our commitment. It is our objective to organize the convergence of our actions and means, to reinforce the quality and impact of each of our interventions, local and regional, individual and collective. It must allow innovative ideas and good practices to spread and shine. It is both simple and ambitious: to breathe new life into development approaches, in a dynamic of complementarity and synergy, in order to increase their number and scope, increase their effectiveness and involve everyone in inventing the future, a sustainable future.

Do you share this vision? Then don’t hesitate to come and join us! Together, at our humble level, we can contribute to the construction of a more beautiful and equitable world where everyone finds his or her place.

Victimes des inondations. République Centrafricaine

Aide d’urgence aux victimes des inondations dans la Sous-Préfecture de Mobaye. République Centrafricaine

Au mois d’octobre 2019, vers la fin d’une longue saison pluvieuse très intense, l’Oubangui et ses rivières alimentant, ont vu une accrue énorme… More info

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