Application for help to buy a car

Democratic Republic of Congo

Application for help to buy a car

Fathers of the Holy Spirit
St. Joseph Parish Worker
Diocese of Manono
Democratic Republic of Congo

The parish of Manono is located southwest of Manono in the north of Katanga Province.

The parish has only one motorcycle for three confreres. And it stretches over more than 150 kilometres. This puts a strain on the pastoral work; bad weather prevents motorcycling and the risks are high: there have already been broken legs and arms.

We therefore need a means of transport to carry out our activities in the different villages of our parish.

We want to make do with a second-hand vehicle that we have found and that is in good condition.

The price of this vehicle is 11 000 €. For our part we can participate up to 1000 €. So we are asking for 10 000 €.

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€10 €50 €100
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